
Kelowna Real Estate market

  KELOWNA REAL ESTATE MARKET – WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2016 It is nоt аlwауѕ соmfоrtаblе to ѕtісk уоur nесk out аnd tаlk about the Kеlоwnа Rеаl Eѕtаtе market in thе сurrеnt есоnоmіс climate. Thе lеvеl…

3 Signs That You Are Ready to Buy Kelowna Real Estate

Buying in Kelowna Real Estate or your first house is indeed a major fulfillment in life. However, this is a decision that you should make with great caution and a lot of responsibility. You do not buy a house just because you like it. Instead,…

Kelowna Real Estate Review

At this time of the year, Kelowna Real Estate reflection is a natural focus. We all have different things that are important to us and different priorities but as the Christmas season gains momentum, let’s see if we can keep our wits about…